TRISTAR E&C has sister Companies

Tristar Transport & Contracting (TTC) and DEFIL GULF (DG)

Tristar Transport & Contracting is construction company specialized in mass earthworks, infrastructure, and road works.

DEFIL GULF is a full fledged steel fabrication company that carries out all types of steel and steel related fabrication for TEC and TTC as well as to third parties. DG's highest priority is given to TEC and TTC steel fabrication requirements to satisfy the needs of their projects to the extent of consecrating, at times, all its productive capacity to service TEC and/or TTC.

TEC, TTC, and DEFIL GULF collaborate "seamlessly" on projects and are considered "one" company in terms of allocation of resources and management of projects as they are solely owned and managed by the same owner and share they same pool of resources.